SHSS Community Connect

App and Email Subscribe

Our Community Care Program is run by parent volunteers and is designed to build and nuture our school community. We coordinate free events to provide opportunities for families to get to know each other. We activate support when a family is in need and we work to enhance relationships between families and teachers.

Every class has a Community Care rep and to enable them to communicate with you, we need you to download the free app and/or subscribe via email. Preferably both.

Your details will not be shared and will only be used to communicate class-specific information. Subscription is voluntary and only needs to be done once per child. If you choose not to subscribe, you will miss out on the communications sent to your class. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Parent App

Download our free school app to receive instant alerts!

iPhone / iPad
and Android:
Press the App Store or Play Store icon on your device, search for "shss community".

App Store

Play Store
App Icon


Email Subscribe

IMPORTANT: An email will be sent to you and you must click "Activate Now" to confirm your email address.